void ADODB_Active_Record::TableBelongsTo( string $childTable, string $relationName, string $foreignKey, optional string $parentPrimaryKey = 'id', optional string $parentClass = 'ADODB_Active_Record' )
If the child table differs from the convention that the child table name is the plural of the child class name, use the function: tableBelongsTo();
The child table in the relationship
If, due to database design constraints, the key field in the child table is not named the same as that of the parent table, specify it here.
The key field of the parent table in the relationship
If the class name for the child table differs from that of the parent, for example there has been some extension of methods, specify it here
In this example the class is child, but the table name is children, and the link between the two tables is children.person_id = person.id
v5/activerecord/tablebelongsto.txt · Last modified: 2016/01/13 02:15 by mnewnham