Database Abstraction Layer for PHP

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The metaColumns method returns an array of adoFieldObject object that represents the attributes of the columns of a specified table.

$m = $db->metaColumns('my_table');
adoFieldObject Object
  [name] => actno
  [max_length] => 8
  [type] => INT

adoFieldObject Object
  [name] => actname
  [max_length] => 30
  [type] => VARCHAR

Note that the type of the data returned is the actualType. In order to retrieve the metaType , the value must be passed to:


For example, in the example above, the actname field is of a type VARCHAR . If we pass this to metaType(), it returns the value C


This method returns just the column names from the table.

v5/userguide/learn_dictionary/metacolumns.1458093990.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/04/21 11:40 (external edit)