Database Abstraction Layer for PHP

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Debugging Connections

Using the ADOdb debugging feature differs slightly from the normal database connection, because the load balancer class is instantiated before any database connections are made. There is, therefore, a period during which no debugging information is available.

Once a connection has been made, then the debugging flag can be applied. Debugging at this point is applied to All connections in the pool. This means, however, that debugging problems with establishing connections is difficult to do in the context of the load balancer connection pool.

$db = new ADOdbLoadBalancer;
* We cannot enable debugging here
$driver   = 'mysqli'
$database = 'employees';
$user     = 'adodb';
$password = 'adodb';
$host     = '';
$db0 = new ADOdbLoadBalancerConnection( $driver,
                                          $database );
$db->addConnection( $db0);
* Enable debugging for connection $db0 and all subsequent connections
$db->debug = true;

Because establishing a database through the connection pool is exactly the same as a connection directly through ADOdb, the best way to establish a connection is to temporarily craft a standard ADOdb connection in your code, and test it using ADOdb debugging.

Debugging an individual connection

To debug an individual connection in the connection pool use the following code method:

$db = new ADOdbLoadBalancer;
$driver   = 'mysqli'
$database = 'employees';
$user     = 'adodb';
$password = 'adodb';
$host     = '';
$db0 = new ADOdbLoadBalancerConnection( $driver,
                                          $database );
* Enable debugging for connection $db0 only
$db0->getADODbObject()->debug = true; 
$db->addConnection( $db0);
v5/loadbalancer/mysql_replication/debugging.txt · Last modified: 2017/04/29 04:03 by mnewnham