Database Abstraction Layer for PHP

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AXMLS Function Reference


$ADODB_COUNTRECS In database drivers that do not support native recordset counting, controls whether to emulate the functionality
$ADODB_ANSI_PADDING_OFF Determines whether to right trim CHAR fields
$ADODB_CACHE_DIR If using recordset caching, determines the directory holding the cached data
$ADODB_CACHE_CLASS If using recordset caching, specifies a class for cached recordset handling
$ADODB_FORCE_TYPE Changes the behavior of empty and null field handling when updating or creating records
$ADODB_FETCH_MODE Sets the global array type (numeric or associative) for returned recordsets
$ADODB_GETONE_EOF Sets the returned value if a valid SQL statement does not match any record when the method getOne() is executed.
$ADODB_LANG Sets the language for error messages
$ADODB_QUOTE_FIELDNAMES Quotes, and optionally controls the casing of field name in constructed SQL statements


ADODB_ASSOC_CASEControls the case-specifity of recordset keys returned as associative arrays


adoNewConnection() Create a new connection object
v5/axmls/axmls_functions.1446685126.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/04/21 11:23 (external edit)