AXMLS Function Reference
Unlike core ADOdb methods, AXMLS methods that accept boolean arguments, also require that the type of the argument passed be boolean (true/false). Passing an implied boolean value (1/0 or 'value'/'') may cause unexpected results.
This behaviour may change in later versions of ADOdb.
adoSchema | Creates a new AXMLS Object |
convertSchemaFile() | Converts an XML schema file to the specified DTD version. |
convertSchemaString() | Converts an XML schema string to the specified DTD version. |
destroy() | Destroys an adoSchema object. |
executeInLine() | Enables/disables inline SQL execution. |
executeSchema() | Applies the current XML schema to the database (post execution). |
extractSchema() | Extracts an XML schema from an existing database. |
parseSchema() | Loads an XML schema from a file and converts it to SQL. |
parseSchemaFile() | Loads an XML schema from a file and converts it to SQL. |
parseSchemaString() | Converts an XML schema string to SQL. |
printSql() | Returns the current SQL array. |
removeSchema() | Loads an XML schema from a file and converts it to uninstallation SQL. |
removeSchemaString() | Converts an XML schema string to uninstallation SQL. |
saveSql() | Saves the current SQL array to the local filesystem as a list of SQL queries.` |
schemaFileVersion() | Returns the AXMLS Schema Version of the requested XML schema file. |
schemaStringVersion() | Returns the AXMLS Schema Version of the provided XML schema string. |
setPrefix() | Sets a prefix for database objects |
setUpgradeMethod() | Sets the method to be used for upgrading an existing database |
v5/axmls/axmls_functions.txt · Last modified: 2016/01/13 02:26 by mnewnham