Database Abstraction Layer for PHP

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Error Handling In ADOdb

Default Behaviour

By default, errors in the execution of SQL statements are handled by the database driver that is being accessed by PHP. No errors are normally handled and it is necessary to query the last error code to see if there has been an error. This is done by use of the '@' PHP value, that causes errors in the statement to be ignored.

PHP set_error_handler

Once the PHP set_error_handler is used to override the default error handling, then the '@' PHP value ceases to be honored, and any SQL statement execution that fails will then produce a fatal error in the statement. We must then implement an error handling layer to trap the error and process it as the required. The first way to do that is by the use of the file.

This file is designed to be copied off and customized for your own use. In it's simplest form, it can be used to emulate the '@' continue-on-error character, but it can be used to trigger or log errors, or do any kind of error handling processing required.

include 'adodb-directory/';
include 'my-directory/';
$db = newAdoConnection('mysqli');
* Invalid SQL statement will be trapped inside the custom errorhandling file
$result = $db->execute('SELECX * FROM products');
  • and lang/adodb-$ (if you use MetaError())
  • and (if you use adodb error handler or php5 exceptions).

Standard Version

Override Error Trap/Resume

In certain circumstances, it may be necessary to trap errors differently or override the normal error handling. The current error handler, which is stored in the class variable raiseErrorFn, can be temporarily replaced. In this example, we use that functionality to ignore a database error.

  * Traps errors and ignores them
function ignoreErrorHandler()
	return true;
* In Oracle we have no 'if index exists' function, 
* so if the index did not exist in the first place, it would throw an error
* We want the error ignored, and for the program to continue as normal
$saveErrorFn = $db->raiseErrorFn;
$db->raiseErrorFn = 'ignoreErrorHandler';
$db->Execute('DROP INDEX index_that_might_not_exist');
* Set the error handling back
$db->raiseErrorFn = $saveErrorFn;

Exception Trapping

ADOdb supports exception trapping. This can be used to catch exceptions on errors as they occur. In the following example, we trap an invalid user name/password combination as an exception.

include 'adodb-directory/';
include 'adodb-directory/';
    $db = NewADOConnection("oci8://scott:bad-password@mytns/");   
catch (exception $e)

ADOdb also provides two custom handlers which you can modify for your needs. The first one is in the file. This makes use of the standard PHP functions error_reporting to control what error messages types to display, and trigger_error which invokes the default PHP error handler.

Including the above file will cause _trigger_error($errorstring,E_USER_ERROR)_ to be called when (a) Connect() or PConnect() fails, or (b) a function that executes SQL statements such as Execute() or SelectLimit() has an error. © GenID() appears to go into an infinite loop.

The $errorstring is generated by ADOdb and will contain useful debugging information similar to the error.log data generated below. This file should be included before you create any ADOConnection objects.

If you define error_reporting(0), no errors will be passed to the error handler. If you set error_reporting(E_ALL), all errors will be passed to the error handler. You still need to use ini_set(“display_errors”, “0” or “1”) to control the display of errors.

error_reporting(E_ALL); # pass any error messages triggered to error handler  

$c = NewADOConnection('mysql');
$rs=$c->Execute('select * from productsz'); #invalid table productsz');
if ($rs) 

Logging Error Messages

If you want to log the error message, you can do so by defining the following optional constants:


ADODB_ERROR_LOG_TYPE is the error log message type (see error_log. In the example below, the value is set to 3, which means log to the file defined by the constant ADODB_ERROR_LOG_DEST.

error_reporting(E_ALL); # report all errors  
ini_set("display_errors", "0"); # but do not echo the errors  

$c = NewADOConnection('mysql');
$rs=$c->Execute('select * from productsz'); ## invalid table productsz

if ($rs) 

The following message will be logged in the error.log file:

2001-10-28 14:20:38 mysql error: [1146: Table 'northwind.productsz' doesn't exist] in  EXECUTE("select * from productsz")


The second error handler is This will create a PEAR_Error derived object whenever an error occurs. The last PEAR_Error object created can be retrieved using ADODB_Pear_Error().

$c = NewADOConnection('mysql');
$rs=$c->Execute('select * from productsz'); #invalid table productsz');

if ($rs) 
    $e = ADODB_Pear_Error();  
    echo '<p>',$e->message,'</p>';**

You can use a PEAR_Error derived class by defining the constant ADODB_PEAR_ERROR_CLASS before the file is included. For easy debugging, you can set the default error handler in the beginning of the PHP script to PEAR_ERROR_DIE, which will cause an error message to be printed, then halt script execution:


Note that we do not explicitly return a PEAR_Error object to you when an error occurs. We return false instead. You have to call ADODB_Pear_Error() to get the last error or use the PEAR_ERROR_DIE technique.

MetaError and MetaErrMsg

If you need error messages that work across multiple databases, then use MetaError(), which returns a virtualized error number, based on PEAR DB's error number system, and MetaErrMsg().

Error Messages

Error messages are outputted using the static method ADOConnnection::outp($msg,$newline=true). By default, it sends the messages to the client. You can override this to perform error-logging.

v5/userguide/error_handling.1448815399.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/04/21 11:39 (external edit)