Database Abstraction Layer for PHP

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Session Management Reference

Main Commands

All of the followingcommands are static, and should be preceded by ADOdb_session::

configEstablishes a connection to the database for session management
debugGets or sets debugging mode for the session management connection
driverGets or sets the ADOdb database driver associated with the connection
hostGets or sets the host name for the session management connection
userGets or sets the user name for the session management connection
passwordGets or sets the password for the session management connection
databaseGets or sets the database name for the session management connection
persistGets or sets persistent database connection mode for the session management connection
lifetimeGets or sets the session lifetime
expireNotifyGets or sets the garbage collection callback function for the session management connection
tableOverrides the default table name for the storage of session data
optimizeGets or sets table optimization mode
clobGets or sets if clobs are available to store session data
filterGets or sets the session data filter
encryptionKeyGets or sets the encryption key if encrypted sessions are in use

Helper Functions

adodb_unserializeUnpacks the session data from the database and makes it human-readable
adodb_session_regenerate_idManually regenerate the session id
v5/session/reference/index.1463360887.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/04/21 11:38 (external edit)