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The method returns an array of ADOFieldObjects representing all of the objects returned in a result set. It is the equivalent of looping from 1 to fieldCount , calling the fetchField method. The method returns false if a recordset is not available for any reason
This example uses a postgres database so returns numerous Postgress specific fields
$sql = "SELECT * FROM dept_emp"; $result = $db->execute($sql) print_r($resul->fieldTypesArray()); /* * Returns Array ( [0] => ADOFieldObject Object ( [name] => emp_no [max_length] => 0 [type] => 3 [orgname] => emp_no [table] => dept_emp [orgtable] => dept_emp [def] => [db] => employees [catalog] => def [length] => 11 [charsetnr] => 63 [flags] => 53251 [decimals] => 0 [primary_key] => 2 [not_null] => 1 [auto_increment] => 0 [binary] => 0 [unsigned] => 0 ) [1] => ADOFieldObject Object ( [name] => dept_no [max_length] => 4 [type] => 254 [orgname] => dept_no [table] => dept_emp [orgtable] => dept_emp [def] => [db] => employees [catalog] => def [length] => 16 [charsetnr] => 255 [flags] => 20491 [decimals] => 0 [primary_key] => 2 [not_null] => 1 [auto_increment] => 0 [binary] => 0 [unsigned] => 0 ) [2] => ADOFieldObject Object ( [name] => from_date [max_length] => 10 [type] => 10 [orgname] => from_date [table] => dept_emp [orgtable] => dept_emp [def] => [db] => employees [catalog] => def [length] => 10 [charsetnr] => 63 [flags] => 4225 [decimals] => 0 [primary_key] => 0 [not_null] => 1 [auto_increment] => 0 [binary] => 128 [unsigned] => 0 ) ......etc. */
v5/reference/recordset/fieldtypesarray.1620178291.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/05/05 03:31 by mnewnham