Database Abstraction Layer for PHP

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The ADOdb roadmap

ADOdb is a popular, robust product but there's work to be done making the product better documented and more standards based. After we've done that work, we can focus on feature improvements, removing obsolete drivers and compatibility enhancements.

Version RangeDescription
5.21.0Adoption of Semantic Version Numbering
5.21.0All files and functions receive PHPDocumentor DocBlocks. Developer documentation will be available online
5.21.0All files processed using PHP_CodeSniffer to reduce syntax errors.
5.21.1-5.22.0Any available fixes and documentation enhancements available.
5.22.1-5.23.1Removal of obsolete drivers
6.0.0Compatibility review, new features
roadmap.1436233754.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2017/04/21 11:17 (external edit)