From Version 5.21.0-beta-2
obj addIndexObject( string $indexName, optional string $platform='' )
The method addIndexObject()
is part of the Structured Schema Management suite, and adds an index to the current table object. The index object is a container for Index Item objects, which are the columns themselves.
The name of the index to be created. The name must conform to any pre-defined rules for the database to be used
The platform parameter can be any parameter recognized by the Platform keyword.
In the following example, a table employees is to be created. The table has 2 columns, COL1 and COL2 and an index COL1-IDX will be created, holding COL1.
$t = new metaObjectStructure($dict,'employees'); $t->addColumnObject('COL1','I'); $t->addColumnObject('COL2','C(60)'); $i = $t->addIndexObject('COL1-IDX'); $i->addIndexItemObject('COL1-IDX','COL1')