===== ActiveRecord Code Sample ===== /* * Include the previously defined code snippet */ class person extends ADOdb_Active_Record{} $person = new person(); echo "

Output of getAttributeNames: "; var_dump($person->getAttributeNames()); /** * Outputs the following: * array(4) { * [0]=> * string(2) "id" * [1]=> * string(9) "name_first" * [2]=> * string(8) "name_last" * [3]=> * string(13) "favorite_color" * } */ $person = new person(); $person->name_first = 'Andi'; $person->name_last = 'Gutmans'; $person->save(); // this save() will fail on INSERT as favorite_color is a must fill... $person = new person(); $person->name_first = 'Andi'; $person->name_last = 'Gutmans'; $person->favorite_color = 'blue'; $person->save(); // this save will perform an INSERT successfully echo "

The Insert ID generated:"; print_r($person->id); $person->favorite_color = 'red'; $person->save(); // this save() will perform an UPDATE $person = new person(); $person->name_first = 'John'; $person->name_last = 'Lim'; $person->favorite_color = 'lavender'; $person->save(); // this save will perform an INSERT successfully /* * load record where id=2 into a new ADOdb_Active_Record */ $person2 = new person(); $person2->Load('id=2'); var_dump($person2); /* * retrieve an array of records */ $activeArr = $db->GetActiveRecordsClass( $class = "person", $table = "persons", "id=".$db->Param(0), array(2)); $person2 = $activeArr[0]; echo "

Name first (should be John): ",$person->name_first, "
Class = ",get_class($person2);