====== Memcached Setup ====== ===== Description ===== This section describes connecting to an already configured Memcache server. Information about installation and configuration of Memcached servers can be found [[https://memcached.org/|here]]. ===== The Memcache Library ===== There are 2 distinct PEAR modules for connecting to a [[wp>Memcached]] server: the [[https://pecl.php.net/package/memcache|Memcache]] library and the [[https://pecl.php.net/package/memcached|Memcached]] library. * Windows support is only available for the //Memcache// library. * //Memcache// should be used in PHP 5.x environments on UNIX platforms. * //Memcached// should be used in PHP 7.x environments on UNIX platforms. * If both libraries are available, //Memcache// will be used. ===== Why can't I use the memcached library under Windows? ===== The memcached library is much more heavily featured, more modern and better maintained. The problem with it is not a problem with ADOdb, nor a problem with PHP. The PHP module is dependent on the 3rd party library **libmemcache**, which has no Windows support. Any Windows DLLs you might find floating around the web will __always__ be built on the memcache library. ===== Usage ===== $db = NewADOConnection($driver='mysqli'); /* * Enable memcache */ $db->memCache = true; /* * Add one or more servers, for use in distributed systems */ $db->memCacheHost = array('', '', ''); /* * Optionally add the server port if it differs from the default */ $db->memCachePort = 11211; /* * Use 'true' to store the item compressed (uses zlib) */ $db->memCacheCompress = false; /* * We connect to the database, not the memcache server */ $db->Connect('localhost','mysql-user','mysql-password','employees'); /* * look for a cached query with a life of 2400 seconds */ $sql = 'SELECT code,description FROM xref_table'; $db->cacheExecute(2400,$sql); ===== Adding Weighted Server Groups ===== From ADOdb version 5.22, the **memcached** library supports the use of **//Weighted server groups//**, in which a specific server can be forced to return a result a specific percentage of the time. If the feature is used, the total weighting of the server group must equal 100%. To achieve this, the configuration of the servers must be defined in a different way to the default. Each host is defined as an array: array( 'host'=> The host name, 'port'=> The port, defaults to 11211, 'weight'=> A percentage, up to 100, ); The host arrays are then combined together. In this example 86.91 serves 70% of requests and 86.92 serves 30% $hosts = array( array('host'=>'','port'=>'11211','weight'=>70), array('host'=>'','port'=>'11211','weight'=>30), ); $db = NewADOConnection($driver='mysqli'); /* * Enable memcache */ $db->memCache = true; /* * Add the weighted servers in $memCacheHosts. All other parameters are ignored. */ $db->memCacheHost = $hosts ===== Adding options to the memcached server ===== From ADOdb version 5.22, [[https://www.php.net/manual/en/memcached.setoption.php|server options]] can be set on the **Memcached** connection by use of the **memCacheOptions** array $hosts = array( array('host'=>'','port'=>'11211','weight'=>70) array('host'=>'','port'=>'11211','weight'=>30) ); $db = NewADOConnection($driver='mysqli'); /* * Enable memcache */ $db->memCache = true; /* * Add the weighted servers in $memCacheHosts */ $db->memCacheHost = $hosts; /* * Set some options */ $db->memCacheOptions = array(Memcached::OPT_HASH=>Memcached::HASH_MURMUR); ===== Using Debug Mode ===== The size of query results that can be cached by the memcached server is limited by server configuration. The default is quite small. If the query is too large, and [[v5:userguide:debug|debugging]] is enabled, then an error is displayed. 3849805e4e026b9e7c485999a24a95c6 cache failure: Item with such key doesn't exists on the memcached server. (this is a notice and not an error) -----
(mysqli): SELECT * FROM employees ------
Notice: MemcachePool::set(): Server (tcp 11211, udp 0) failed with: SERVER_ERROR object too large for cache (3) in C:\dev\github\mssqlnative-fixes\adodb-memcache.lib.inc.php on line 94 Failed to save data at the memcached server! Cache write error PHP Notice: MemcachePool::set(): Server (tcp 11211, udp 0) failed with: SERVER_ERROR object too large for cache (3) in C:\dev\github\mssqlnative-fixes\adodb-memcache.lib.inc.php on line 94
ADOdb currently has no mechanism for splitting large queries into smaller chunks. {{tag>[memcached cache]}}