====== fnExecute & fnCacheExecute ======
== Syntax ==
string $fnExecute\\
string $fnCacheExecute
===== Description =====
''$fnExecute'' provides a handle to a function that overrides the execute() function. The function should accept 3 parameters
* An object containing the connection
* The SQL statement
* The bind variables
Execute returns the result of the override function.
===== Example =====
function overrideExecute($db,$sql,$var)
return 'Hello World';
$db->fnExecute = 'overrideExecute';
$sql = 'select * from customers';
$result = $db->execute($sql);
print $result;
* prints 'Hello World'
===== fnCacheExecute =====
The variable ''fnCacheExecute'' provides the same functionality as ''fnExecute'' but against the ''cacheExecute()'' method