====== connect ======
== See Also ==
[[v5:database:connection_matrix|The Connection Matrix]]
== Syntax ==
bool connect(
optional string $parameter1 = '',
optional string $parameter2 = '',
optional string $parameter3 = '',
optional string $parameter4 = '',
optional bool $forceNewConnection=false
===== Description =====
The essential function ''connect()'' establishes a connection to a database using the provided parameters.
Since ADOdb 5.21,0, some database drivers support the use of [[v5:reference:connection:setconnectionparameter|setConnectionParameter()]], which should be called before connect() to pass extra, database-specific parameters to the connect statement.
The traditional description of the connection parameters is as follows:
^ Parameter 1 ^ Parameter 2 ^ Parameter 3 ^ Parameter 4 ^
| $hostName | $userId | $password | $database |
However the actual values of the parameters for some databases are such that the actual requirements can be confusing. See the [[v5:database:connection_matrix|Connection Matrix]] for assistance.
If the connection is made, $db becomes a database connection object that can be used until the script ends.
=== Return value ===
The method returns //true// if the connection was successfully established, //false// otherwise. This should be checked before continuing with code execution.
To debug the connection, set the value '' $db->debug = true; '' before calling the '' $db->connect '' statement
===== Usage =====
* Example using MySQL
include 'adodb.inc.php';
* This is not a class below
$db = newADOConnection('mysqli');
* Make a connection to a database on the local machine
$db->connect('', 'user', 'password', 'employees');