====== tableBelongsTo ====== ~~NOTOC~~ ==Syntax== void ADODB_Active_Record::TableBelongsTo( string $childTable, string $relationName, string $foreignKey, optional string $parentPrimaryKey = 'id', optional string $parentClass = 'ADODB_Active_Record' ) ------------------------------------ ===== Description ===== If the child table differs from the convention that the child table name is the plural of the child class name, use the function: tableBelongsTo(); ===== Parameters ===== ==== $childTable ==== The child table in the relationship ==== $foreignKey ==== If, due to database design constraints, the key field in the child table is not named the same as that of the parent table, specify it here. ==== $parentTable ==== The key field of the parent table in the relationship ==== $foreignClass ==== If the class name for the child table differs from that of the parent, for example there has been some extension of methods, specify it here ===== Usage ===== In this example the class is child, but the table name is children, and the link between the two tables is children.person_id = person.id ADODB_Active_Record::TableBelongsTo('children','person','person_id','id');