====== Coding Standards ====== As the ADOdb project has moved from an owner-controlled project to a more distributed-development environment we have adopted the following coding standards for the ADOdb project, based on their existing widespread use. ===== Version Numbering ===== Release versions numbering now follows the standards defined at [[http://semver.org|Semantic Versioning]] ===== Code Documentation ===== ADOdb Version 6 Code will be documented to guidelines defined at [[http://phpdoc.org|PHPDocumentor]]. If [[http://www.php-fig.org/psr|PHP-FIG PSR-5]] is accepted, ADOdb documentation standards will likely encompass those as well. ===== Coding Standards ===== ADOdb Version 6 will be coded to the PHP Framework Interop Group [[http://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-2/|PSR-2]] standards. Code style validation can be done using [[http://pear.php.net/package/PHP_CodeSniffer/redirected|PHP_CodeSniffer]] ===== Testing ===== There are a number of tests available in the adodb/tests directory. Future releases will likely have a test suite built around [[https://phpunit.de/|PHPunit]] tests. ===== Apologies ===== If you have your own tools built around the original documentation standards, we apologize for the inconvenience. {{tag>[semantic phpdocumentor codesniffer]}}