Database Abstraction Layer for PHP

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Use of 64 bit processors and later versions of PHP have effectively made this function obsolete. It may be removed in later releases of ADOdb

int dbObject::unixDate(){
       float $timestamp,


The static function unixTimeStamp() Parses the timestamp string $<b>str</b> and returns it in unix mktime format(e g. a number indicating the seconds after January 1st, 1970). It expects the date to be in “Y-m-d, H:i:s” (1970-12-24, 00:00:00) or “Y-m-d H:i:s” (1970-12-24 00:00:00) or “YmdHis” (19701225000000) format, except for Sybase and Microsoft SQL Server, where “M d Y h:i:s” (Dec 25 1970 00:00:00AM) is also accepted (the 3 letter month strings are controlled by a global array, which might need localisation). For versions of PHP earlier than 5, this function could be used to bypass limitations of dates before 1st January 1970. For databases that do not support the functionality, the function makes use of ADOdb time handling library.


SQL Server example

 * Connection to SQL Server database assumed
$d = $db::unixDate(strtotime('1920-10-10'));
print $d;
 * returns -1553450400
print date('Y-m-d',$d);
 * Returns the following string: '1920-10-10'
v5/reference/connection/unixtimestamp.1437953254.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/04/21 11:32 (external edit)