Database Abstraction Layer for PHP

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Table of Contents

AXMLS Function Reference


$ADODB_COUNTRECS In database drivers that do not support native recordset counting, controls whether to emulate the functionality


ADODB_ASSOC_CASEControls the case-specifity of recordset keys returned as associative arrays


adoNewConnection() Create a new connection object
adoSchema (object &$db)
continueOnError() bool ContinueOnError ([bool $mode = NULL])
convertSchemaFile() string ConvertSchemaFile (string $filename, [string $newVersion = NULL], [string $newFile = NULL])
convertSchemaString() string ConvertSchemaString (string $schema, [string $newVersion = NULL], [string $newFile = NULL])
destroy() void Destroy ()
executeInLine() bool ExecuteInline ([bool $mode = NULL])
executeSchema() integer ExecuteSchema ([array $sqlArray = NULL], [boolean $continueOnErr = NULL])
extractSchema() string ExtractSchema ([boolean $data = FALSE])
parseSchema() array ParseSchema (mixed $filename, [bool $returnSchema = FALSE], string $file)
parseSchemaFile() array ParseSchemaFile (mixed $filename, [bool $returnSchema = FALSE], string $file)
parseSchemaString() array ParseSchemaString (string $xmlstring, [bool $returnSchema = FALSE])
printSql() array PrintSQL ([string $format = 'NONE'])
removeSchema() array RemoveSchema (mixed $filename, [bool $returnSchema = FALSE], string $file)
removeSchemaString() array RemoveSchemaString (string $schema, [bool $returnSchema = FALSE])
saveSql() boolean SaveSQL ([string $filename = './schema.sql'])
schemaFileVersion() string SchemaFileVersion (string $filename)
schemaStringVersion() string SchemaStringVersion (string $xmlstring)
setPrefix() boolean SetPrefix ([string $prefix = “”], [boolean $underscore = TRUE])
setUpgradeMethod() string SetUpgradeMethod ([string $method = ''])
transformSchema() void TransformSchema (mixed $schema, mixed $xsl, [mixed $schematype = 'string'])
v5/axmls/axmls_functions.1446687921.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/04/21 11:23 (external edit)