====== adodb_last_date_status ======
== Syntax ==
bool adodb_last_date_status()
[[datetime_index#deprecated|Deprecated]] since ADOdb 5.22.6, and [[https://github.com/ADOdb/ADOdb/issues/970|removed in 5.23.0]].
Use 64-bit native PHP functions instead.
===== Description =====
Returns the status of the last time to date conversion constrained by the ''ADODB_FUTURE_DATE_CUTOFF_YEARS'' constant.
===== Summary =====
The ''ADODB_FUTURE_DATE_CUTOFF_YEARS'' sets the farthest date in the future that can be calculated by the following functions:
* adodb_getdate
* $db->bindTimeStamp()
If the calculated value exceeds the boundary specified by the constant, the request returns the value defined by the current time + the value of the constant in years. In addition, a flag is set that can be read using the adodb_last_date_status() method.
===== Example =====
* We attempt to process a datetime 500 years after 2019-01-01
$s = time() +(60*60*24*365 * 500);
* Call the function
$time = adodb_getdate($s);
* Whats the response
[seconds] => 11
[minutes] => 21
[hours] => 2
[mday] => 15
[wday] => 0
[mon] => 11
[year] => 2218
[yday] => 318
[weekday] => Sunday
[month] => November
[0] => 7853595671
This is clearly the wrong answer, because the ADODB_FUTURE_DATE_CUTOFF_YEARS
has constrained the maximum forward date. Let's check the status
$status = adodb_last_date_status();
* Returns 1 (the function indicates that the last conversion failed)
If we modify the constant before including the adodb includes, we can run it again
include 'adodb.inc.php';
$s = time() +(60*60*24*365 * 500);
* Call the function
$time = adodb_getdate($s);
[seconds] => 49
[minutes] => 35
[hours] => 2
[mday] => 3
[wday] => 6
[mon] => 9
[year] => 2518
[yday] => 245
[weekday] => Saturday
[month] => September
[0] => 17314396549
Check the status
$status = adodb_last_date_status();
* Returns 0 (the function indicates that the last conversion succeeded)